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The Psalms as Our Prayer Book

Writer's picture: Pastor Tim YeePastor Tim Yee

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” (Psalm 1:1-3, NIV)

I’ve been memorizing Psalm 1:1-6 the past several weeks and I am so glad we chose as a church to memorize this rich Psalm! In the tumult of our times how much more do we need to rely on God’s Word to guide us on this pathway of life, journeying with the Lord praying the prayers that Jesus prayed and singing the songs that Jesus sung. I hope that Jesus’ prayer book (the Psalms) becomes our prayer book.

Tony Evans is an African American pastor and theologian who recently wrote a whole bible commentary. Several months ago I was putting all my books into my church office and thought to myself, “I don’t think I have one bible commentary written by an African American. I need to find one and incorporate this wisdom into my study.” As I searched I confirmed that I did have one commentary from various African scholars (Africa Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary Written by 70 African Scholars) but I had none from a single African American scholar. So I stumbled upon Tony Evan’s whole bible commentary and have found it to be rich resource this past year. And in these recent weeks with much turmoil and needed discussion on race issues, I have leaned on Pastor Tony Evans to teach, guide and challenge me as a pastor. I hope you have knowledgeable and godly African American voices in your life that God is using to search you and stretch you. Tony Evans has been one of a handful of faithful voices pastoring me these past weeks.

In his introduction to the book of Psalms, Dr. Evans says, “The Psalms were written so the people of God could communicate with him in the midst of all of the circumstances of life. They will shape your ability to talk with God and will teach you about his character, attributes, and kingdom purpose in history. Through using the Psalms, you can even talk with God in the very words of Scripture, singing and praying his Word back to him. So, in the same way that you would pick up a hymnal to sing praises to God, pick up the book of Psalms. It will enhance your prayer life, your praise life, and your approach-to-problems life, in the context of God-centered worship.”

As we continue to face the challenges of our times, the Psalms continue to guide us on this pathway with all of its twists and turns. Let’s lean on God’s Word, listening to godly voices that challenge us and coming to the Lord in prayer with all of our needs. God will take care of us and He will use you to provide care for others in His name.

Living Out the Word of God

Watch Dr. Tony Evans as he shares about the Psalms.

How can you apply this practical approach to the Psalms to your “prayer, praise and problem life” that he speaks about?


At the George Floyd memorial in Houston on Tuesday, Pastor Kim Burrell sang, “God Will Take Care of You”. Let’s pray these words into our souls as we offer up our prayers and songs to Jesus, that He will take care of you today.

Be not dismayed whatever betide

God will take care of you

Beneath His wings of love abide

God will take care of you

God will take care of you

Through everyday o'er all the way

He will care for you

God will take care of you

Through days of toil when heart doth fail

God will take care of you

When dangers fierce your path assail

God will take care of you

God will take care of you

Through everyday o'er all the way

He will care for you

God will take care of you

God will take care of you

He will

God will take care of you

He will

God will take care of you

Through everyday o'er all the way

He will care for you

God will take care of you

God will take care of you

He will

God will take care of you

He will

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