“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10).
I must admit it’s been a difficult week to try and “be still”. The ever-changing environment because of COVID-19 coupled with the uncertainty surrounding reopening schools and the economy, has made for many reasons to choose anxiety and worry over being still before the LORD.
What a timely Scripture to challenge us to remember God always has and will be faithful to Himself and to those He has called to be His own. The Psalmist (whether King Hezekiah, the prophet Isaiah or some other faithful Jew) could have had the amazing rescue by the angel of the LORD in mind as he penned this song. As I sit with Psalm 46 today here some prompts that the Scripture are giving me to meditate on:
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Even as I’m surrounded by situations that besiege me I have this inner power, peace and strength because You will never leave me nor forsake me. If I take refuge in You and not in other false gods and securities, I will find true lasting strength, not temporary fill-ins that can’t satisfy. Forgive me for looking for help in other places but You. In times of trouble I can know You are ready to respond.
“There is a river that makes glad the city of God.” Psalm 46:4
LORD, I think of the living waters that flow from You and into me. Your Holy Spirit is ever-available to me, ready to fill me, quench my thirst and soak me in His power. Jesus my Friend, this Your very own Spirit! I choose the gladness that comes from the LORD even though my circumstances might lead me toward anxiety and fear.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
Can I believe that sitting here with You is the best way to start my day? I can get more accomplished by releasing myself into Your care than I can by trying to do things myself. You reveal to me that busyness does not accomplish anything outside of Your power. So I choose to be still, to stop striving and instead to take the yoke of Jesus—the easy yoke—as I do the work of the LORD.
Living Out the Word of God
My friends at Soul Shepherding offer up this meditative prayer to help us connect more deeply with Jesus. Pray this simply pray slowly wherever you are:
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM, my Savior, my Lord, my Teacher, my Friend — Immanuel… Immanuel.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM, my Savior, my Lord, my Teacher, my Friend… my Friend.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM, my Savior, my Lord, my Teacher… my Teacher.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM, my Savior, my Lord… my Lord.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM, my Savior… my Savior.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives as the I AM… the I AM.”
“Be still and know Christ Jesus lives… Jesus lives.”
“Be still and know Christ… know Christ.”
“Be still… be still.”
Thank You for sitting with me today, LORD. I choose to be still, sensing Your Holy Spirit filling me anew and taking refuge in You as I face the day. Amen.