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CPC Reopening Update - September 4

September 4, 2020

Dear CPC family,

Worshiping together in-person and online is one way our CPC family can demonstrate our unity as we start a new series on The Gospel in Galatians. We also show our unity in Christ with Valley Bible Fellowship as we partner with them to minister to the many families devastated by the fires in Cachagua.

We still have some spaces available for both our 9:30 & 11:00am services this Sunday and we’ve set up a shade sail over the patio to help with sunny or drizzly days. Temperatures will be taken as you arrive—another step to prioritize the health and safety for all.

In a season of so much division in our nation, let’s focus on Jesus Christ who prayed that His followers would be one (John 17). I celebrated my one year anniversary as your pastor yesterday and I count it an honor to be called to shepherd God’s church in this unique season. God is sovereign and I am ever more convinced of His call for me to serve you as the LORD leads me, your staff and elders.

Glorifying God each day with you,

Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team

Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg

Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman

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