October 30, 2020
Dear CPC family,
Last Sunday, we were blessed by Reed Jolley who helped us wrap up our series in Galatians. Our outdoor Sunday school at 11am went great and we will continue to offer this for children K-5th grade. Please know that if you try to register for worship at 930am or 11am and find that you’re on the “waitlist”, we can most likely find seats for you if you show up Sunday morning. We do everything we can to accommodate those who want to worship in-person and haven’t had to turn away anyone wanting to worship with us. It does help to let us know if you can’t make it so we can release seats for those on the waitlist. For those watching online, remember to gather your bread and drink so you can join us for communion this Sunday.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had several conversations with pastors, leaders and our church family about a renewed sense that the Holy Spirit wants our church to pray. Next week, our nation will tally votes to determine our next President and we are committed as a church to pray for our leaders and for Christ to be glorified in our great nation. Tomorrow (Saturday, October 31st) you can join many of us outdoors at 444 Cannery Row in Monterey from 9am - 10am, as we pray for our churches, schools, families and nation. Email Jerry Carter (jtswml@gmail.com) to get more info.
Praying with you with confidence in Christ’s provision,
Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team
Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg
Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman