June 26, 2020
Hello CPC family!
We spent time as a staff yesterday praying specifically for this Sunday’s in-person service as well as those who will be joining us online. Perhaps you didn’t know, but we experimented last Sunday with going “live” with all the speaking parts of the service and though we did have some minor technical difficulties with the livestream, it went very well. As you have certainly heard on various news channels, there are clear signs that COVID-19 is far from being contained. We are still solidly committed to your safety as our highest priority as we return to in-person worship so please do refer to our list of safety protocols on our website. Eventbrite is available to take your registration and we will be gladly welcoming all who are joining us in-person this Sunday for the 9:30am service. To remind you, here is where we are at with our stages: Stage 2 – June 28, (9:30 am in-person service begins) 9:30 am worship service: Hold in-person service in the Sanctuary only. Maximum of 75 persons. Livestreaming for online at home worship. 11:00 am worship service: Livestream or prerecorded only. Stage 3 – Planned for July 5 (open overflow rooms for 9:30 service) 9:30 am worship service: Hold in-person service in the Sanctuary, with overflow to Friendship Hall. Maximum of 100 persons. Livestreaming to overflow rooms and for online at home worship. 11:00 am worship service: Continue Livestream or prerecorded only. Stage 4 – Planned for July 19 (11:00 am service in-person begins) 9:30 am AND 11:00 am worship service: Hold in-person service in the Sanctuary, with overflow to Friendship Hall. Maximum of 100 persons. Livestreaming to overflow rooms and for online at home worship. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 on the Monterey Peninsula and will adjust the schedule accordingly. We do not plan on having on-campus midweek meetings until after July 19. Thank you for your patience and prayers as we move towards reopening. Whether in-person or online, we look forward to having you join us in worship this Sunday! Pastor Tim and the Church Reopening Team Staff: Tim Yee, Luke Barnes, Dorothy Bentley, Bob Spencer, Abby Warburg Laity: Lily Ogden, Matt Bell, Alain Claudel, Susan Kuhlman