August 22, 2020
Dear CPC family, As evacuation orders expand due to the Carmel and River Fires, more and more of our CPC church family is affected. In order to coordinate our response, we have set up a new email address - Please use this email for the following 3 purposes -
1. EVACUATE - You need to evacuate your home and need housing. Include the following information -
Contact info - name & cell phone number
# of people in your family needing housing
any animals you will need to bring with you
2. HOST - You have space in your home to host CPCers being evacuated. Include the following information -
Contact info - name & best phone number
# of people you can house at your house
Yes/No to housing animals
3. HELP EVACUATE - You have a truck/trailer/van and are willing to help move CPCers who need to evacuate; or you are willing to help move/pack up essential belongings. Include the following information -
Contact info - name & best phone number
Type of vehicle/trailer
Don't have vehicle, but can help move/pack
Remember to wear a mask to help move/pack.
Please do not feel any guilt or responsibility if you are unable to host or help. Everyone's circumstances are different. Take care of your families and stay safe. Please only email if you need to evacuate and need assistance or can offer help to those evacuating. If you have other needs unrelated to the evacuations, direct those needs to We are better together as the family of God here at CPC!
Pastor Tim and CPC Leadership